Luke Powell
Luke Powell has worked in various business transformations and start-ups across the for-purpose, health and disability sectors. He is currently a Service Designer at the RAC, working across new and existing products, and the member-centred program which is enabling RAC to become the leading WA for-purpose members-based organisation.
Within the disability sector, Luke worked in Activ Foundation’s transformation to pivot their strategy and funding model from block funding to the NDIS; delivering projects including workforce optimisation, revenue recognition and digital automation.
Luke was the Business Manager at Collective Hope Disability Services from 2018 to 2021 during which time he established the initial programs, people, compliance, and processes which lay the foundations for Collective Hope’s exponential growth and innovative programs in the disability sector.
Luke has a Bachelor of Applied Entrepreneurship and Graduate Certificate of Service Design. He has a passion for developing and operating innovative business models which meet the needs of people facing challenging circumstances.